Terms and Conditions

Stain Lifters Services Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Stain Lifters! These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of our services and website. You are encouraged to carefully read and understand these terms and conditions before using our website or any of our services. If you are not in agreeance, then please do not use Stain Lifters website or services.

We may update our terms and conditions from time to time and the new provisions will apply from the date they are updated.

The customer shall provide unfettered access to the property to allow the Stain Lifters staff to perform their work and will advise of any potential hazards that may exist within the house or grounds prior to commencement of work.


Domestic and Commercial Cleaning

All jobs are quoted on a task list basis agreed prior to engagement of services. A fixed price will be given, and this will be your amount payable each clean to complete agreed tasks set out by Stain Lifters and you the client.

It is important for staff that are attending cleaning sites to feel safe and welcome.

We ask you to try and prepare your home before cleaning day. By picking up laundry, rubbish, belongings around the home allows staff to achieve more around the home.

Carpet Cleaning

Stain Lifters cannot guarantee that all stains will be removed upon cleaning or refinishing. Stains derived from caustics, acids and permanent dyes may be permanent stains that cannot be removed. Further, Stain Lifters cannot be responsible for any pre-existing condition that is not apparent upon visual inspection.

These conditions may include but are not limited to:

  • Fugitive dyes not properly set in manufacture or re-dyeing
  • Lounge suites that have water or solvent soluble coloured backing material
  • Carpet that has been over-stretched during laying or suffers from de-lamination
  • Carpet that has suffered sun-damage, making it fragile or affecting dye colour
  • The use of high alkaline cleaning solutions or other products that may un-set dyes in the fibres of the carpet or upholstery
  • Markers used on carpet, fabric backing or padding
  • Bodily fluids within mattresses
  • Ultra-violet light damage to carpets and upholstery

Stain Lifters will only warrant claims with respect to the workmanship of the services provided if the claim is reported within 14 days of completion of the work. In the event of a customer complaint, the customer undertakes to give Stain Lifters the opportunity to rectify all work.

Prices are subject to a maximum room size of 13 square metres. Prices are subject to the condition of the carpet. Difficult stains will incur an additional charge.

Additional charges will apply for staining on carpets where Stain Lifters apply additional effort and treatments to the stained areas regardless of whether the stains are able to be removed. Staining on carpets are identified as patches or areas of discolouration unable to be removed by the client.

Additional charges will apply for spot removal on carpets where Stain Lifters apply additional effort and treatments to remove the spot stains regardless of whether the stains are able to be removed. Spots on carpets are identified as spots unable to be removed by the client and include but not limited to, blue tack, gum, glue, makeup, paints, pen, play dough.


Pricing is subject to the number and size of seats and the condition of the upholstery. Maximum width of a seating position is 80cm. A seating position wider than 80cm will incur an additional charge. Additional charges will apply for recliners, ottomans and chaises

Tile & Grout Cleaning

Stain Lifters cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen adverse conditions relating to the cleaning of the tiles and grout. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Loose, scratched, or chipped tiles
  • Loose, cracked, or missing grout
  • UV fading or damage
  • Stains within or on the tiles & grout
  • Peeling of sealer off tiles where Stain Lifters are not made aware that the tiles have been sealed.
Concrete Cleaning

Stain Lifters cannot guarantee that all stains will be removed upon cleaning. Rust, welding marks, acid scarring and stains derived from oil may be permanent and may not be removed further.

In some instances a quote will be supplied whereby the customer has measured and supplied their estimate of the size of the concrete to be cleaned without a Stain Lifter estimator measuring the job. We reserve the right to alter the quote if it is found after measurement the area of concrete to be cleaned is larger than estimated by the client.

Pest Control

Important Information Concerning Your Pest Management Program.

1. Health and Safety Precautions to be observed during and after pest management treatment
A. You must advise us of any pets or of any personal or family/staff allergies, or other health concerns.

B. Any persons who may be particularly sensitive, or who may suffer from allergic reactions, should, as a matter of precaution remain out of the premises for a period twenty—four (24) hours and not return until after the premises have been fully ventilated for a period of at least four (4) hours after the treatment.

C. Should you suspect anyone has come into contact with a treated area and has been affected in any way contact the poisons information centre on 13 11 26.

D. You must cover all food items and all food utensils prior to a treatment, as directed.

E. You must remove or protect any people, animal, birds or fish during the treatment period. All pets/animals should be kept away from treated areas until dry and any odour has cleared.

F. You must avoid contact with treated surfaces until the insecticide has dried. This could take three (3) to twenty four (24) hours in some cases.

G. On external treatments close all doors and windows during the treatment and keep close until the odour has cleared, as per the re—entry precautions listed in 1B. This is done to avoid any odour entering the building.

H. When gaining access to or working in the roof void and/or subfloor areas, overalls and gloves and a respirator should be worn to avoid contact with any insecticidal product. The overalls and gloves should be washed immediately and separate from other washing or disposed of as soon as possible.

I. You must observe any verbal advice provided by our firm or our licensed technician at the time of treatment.

J. Where treatment areas are deemed to be unsafe by our licensed technician at the time of treatment, or where concerns exist around the electricity at the premises, treatments may not be able to be completed, where a treatment has commenced, but is unable to be completed due to a hazard or safety issue on the property, any incurred cost may be payable to Stain Lifters.

2. Guarantee of Our Works

A. In the event the pests treated under this Pest Control Advise return within 2 months of the treatment date Stain Lifters will return, at no charge to the Customer, to apply the required treatment to eradicate the pests.

B. Non—payment of the full amount of the invoice will void this guarantee.

3. Treatment Details

A. Whilst every care is taken Stain Lifters will not be held liable should staining of timbers, fabrics, wall coverings, floor coverings or any other articles occur.

B. This pest treatment will be rendered ineffective if the recommended Health and Safety Precautions are not followed or by making building and/or landscaping alterations, or by the introduction of conducive or infested items or materials.

C. No responsibility can be accepted, nor warranty expressed or implied, for any damage consequential losses that may occur as the result of past, current or future pest activity.

D. The treatment only applies to the pest species named overleaf on this Pest Control Advice. This Program does not provide for a pest management program against untreated pest.

4. Termites and Other Timber Pest

A. This Program does not cover treatment for, or inspection for termites (white ants) or any other timber pest.

5. Disclaimer of Liability to Third Parties

This pest management Program is provided solely for the benefit of the client named on the Pest Control Advise (PCA) at the treatment address nominated on the PCA. No liability or responsibility whatsoever, in contract or tort, is accepted to any third party who may rely on the proposal, quotation and/or treatment wholly or in part. Any third party acting or relying upon this proposal/quotation and/or treatment does at their own risk.


A 30% deposit will be required to be paid for works with a total invoice value of $500 inclusive of GST. 


Stain Lifters is registered for GST. Unless services are specifically deemed to be GST Free, GST will be added to each invoice and payable by the client.

Payment is due on completion of works. We accept all major credit cards and debit cards which will incur the applicable  surcharge at the time of payment.

In the event that payment is not made according to our payment terms and we take action to recover the debt, then you, the client, shall be liable for all costs associated with recovering the debt including, but not limited to, legal costs and debt recovery costs.

If payment is made by Credit Card and the transaction cannot be completed for any reason, then payment will be ‘On Account’ per the Terms and Conditions of the Invoice.

Cheques will only be accepted where an account has been approved by Stain Lifters prior to the job commencing.

If an account has been approved and established and payment is not made by the due date, or payment is dishonoured or otherwise, Stain Lifters reserves the right to charge a reasonable Administration Fee, in addition to all other costs associated with recovering the debt including, but not limited to, legal costs and debt recovery costs.

For all invoices, at the complete discretion of Stain Lifters,  an overdue fee equivalent to 15% per annum of the outstanding invoice amount shall be added to the account from the day which is 15 days past the date of the invoice and shall continue to accrue until the invoice is paid in full. Despite any part payments made after application of overdue fee, the overdue fee will be calculated on the full outstanding invoice amount until the account is paid in full.

Cancellation Fees and Surcharges
  1. Unless otherwise stated Stain Lifters reserves the right to charge customers a cancellation fee of minimum $90 if less than 24 hours notice is not given for the cancellation of the booking.
  2. Surcharges may be charged on jobs booked for weekends, after hours or public holidays; in multi level apartment blocks or when more than one operator is required.
  3. It is the responsibility of the client, to organise parking for Stain Lifters staff at the site address. Accordingly, any costs for parking will be added to the invoice along with a surcharge if parking is not available within a distance that allows the works to be completed safely.
  4. Where applicable clients are to provide a safe location for keys to be kept on site. You may choose to install a lock box and pass on the code or hide the keys. Failure to provide staff with access to the property will result in the cancellation of your job and your invoice to be payable in full.

Stain Lifters do not offer refunds. Should a cleaner be unable to attend for any reason (illness or alike) and the invoice has been paid the amount will be credited to your next scheduled clean.
Work completed to an unsatisfactory standard is to be reported within 24 hours. We will work with you to rectify unsatisfactory work. 

Cleaning Equipment and Products

All equipment and cleaning solutions are provided by Stain Lifters in accordance to our Workplace health and safety guidelines. Stain Lifters will not use your home cleaners to complete tasks. Our cleaning solutions are fit for purpose as well septic and bio safe for your peace of mind.

Pets Policy

We understand that many clients have pets as part of their family. This is great news, and we love to be greeted by your pets. Any dangerous pets are to be restrained to allow a safe working environment for our Staff.
Pet accidents – this is something that may happen from time to time however Stain Lifters staff will not pick up pet faeces or clean urine events under any circumstances.  We ask that these issues are tended to by the client prior to our arrival.


During our clean at your home, office or premise we may take before and after photos. The photos are used by Stain Lifters to ensure staff are completing tasks correctly and to standard. The photos from time to time may also be used for advertising or promotion for Stain Lifters. We do respect your privacy and will never post photos with personal family pictures, addresses, names or any factors that reveal the occupants address or identity.

Travel Charges

Stain Lifters reserves the right to charge a travel fee (The Fee). The client will be advised that The Fee will be applied prior to commencement of works. If The Fee is listed as a fee or charge in an issued price list the charge will be applied automatically.  The fee will be calculated using the field technicians departure address as the start point  and will be activated 15 kilometres from that location. The Fee will be deactivated 15 kilometres from the location of the field technicians next destination address. The Fee will be a dollar value as advised by per kilometre charge, applied after 15 kilometres as prescribed by Stain Lifters.

The kilometres travelled will be calculated using the field technicians start and stop points on Google Maps. The chargeable distance travelled  will be included on the invoice as a line item.